The Victorian School of Languages (VSL) is at the forefront of language teaching. Due to its single faculty language focus, the VSL has a high concentration of expertise and is well placed to offer quality, innovative language programs. A common curriculum rationale, methodological approach and organisational focus is implemented for every language and year level and this forms the basis of the development of individual syllabi and teaching materials.

The VSL curriculum provides for its students a balanced set of learning experiences which are active, cooperative and participatory and which give students maximum opportunity to realise their potential. Curriculum development is based on the communicative approach to language teaching, aimed at the intellectual, social, emotional and creative development of all students and is inclusive of gender, ability and background. Learning tasks and assessment practices are structured in such a way that student progress is measurable and so that participating students are enabled and encouraged to perform well. All courses are reviewed to ensure compatibility with the Victorian Curriculum and VCE.

VSL courses are for students who are unable to study the language at their regular school. Enrolment eligibility for all VSL courses is determined by Department of Education guidelines.

The VSL offers:
Face to Face Classes
The VSL offers a wide range of face to face classes in over 40 VSL Centres throughout the metropolitan area and regional Victoria. Courses in many languages are available from Prep to VCE. In standards and content, courses are comparable to those offered in day school language classes, and follow a standard course design. Our face-to-face classes are held out of school hours in VSL Centres, which are located in government secondary colleges. These classes are held mainly on Saturday mornings. Some classes are run on weekday evenings.

Some adults are also able to enrol under specified arrangements.

For more details and enrolment criteria go to: VSL Face to Face Classes
Distance Education
The VSL also offer many courses which students can study via Distance Education. Students complete and submit course work in their own time, and have regular oral lessons with specialist teachers based at the VSL. Distance Education is mainly offered at Secondary School level to students from Government, Catholic and Independent schools. Some language programs for Year 6 are also available. Students may decide to study through VSL Distance Education for a variety of reasons:
  • the language that they wish to study is not available at their home school.
  • a timetable clash prevents them studying the language of their choice at their home school.
  • they are not attending school.
  • some of these students are travelling interstate or overseas; others are unable to attend school due to ill-health or other difficulties.
Enrolments for school-based students must be completed by the student's home school.
For more details and enrolment criteria go to: VSL Distance Education

Blended Language Programs
Blended Language Programs (Japanese and Indonesian) are available for students in Victorian government rural and regional Primary schools. Participating schools receive weekly live streamed (synchronous) language lessons aligned to the Victorian Curriculum F-6: Languages, provided by a qualified language teacher based at the VSL. The lessons are delivered to the whole class. Participating schools will allocate classroom teachers to support the weekly live streaming lessons, lead the language practice and complete student achievement and progress reports using materials and data provided by the VSL language teacher. The additional resources provided to schools include practice worksheets and activities to consolidate student learning as well as revision activities to reinforce what has already been learnt. The additional resources will also enable the classroom teacher to integrate language learning with other learning areas.

Program model
The blended language programs delivered by the VSL will include:
  • a weekly 30-minute live-streamed lesson per class via Webex equipment with the whole class while the classroom teacher learns together with the class and supports classroom management onsite.
  • lesson plans and other support materials that allow classroom teachers to integrate language learning with other learning areas.
  • collaborative assessment and reporting of student achievement and progress.

Class size
This blended language program model is most effective with a class size of up to 20 students. A class may comprise a single grade or multi grade students.

Program Implementation
The employment of a qualified Japanese or Indonesian language teacher by the VSL to deliver the programs is dependent upon the financial contribution of the participating schools. Participating schools will be required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining roles and responsibilities, including financial responsibility and communication between the VSL and participating schools.

Application is made through the Languages Unit of the Department of Education. Contact the VSL on 9474 0500 or vsl@vsl.vic.edu.au for further information about the program or application process.
Victorian School of Languages
315 Clarendon St
Phone: +613 9474 0500
Fax: +613 9416 9899
Web: www.vsl.vic.edu.au
Email: webhelp@vsl.vic.edu.au
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